どもーす!!HIROです!!スリランカコロンボにある【PHOTO STUDIO STUDIO FORT】さんにお邪魔させていただきました。こちらのお店は日本でPhotographerとして活躍されていた方とヘアメイクさんが在籍しておりヘアメイクして写真を撮ってくれます。
Hey! ! It is HIRO! ! I was disturbed by [PHOTO STUDIO STUDIO FORT] in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In this shop there are those who were active as Photographer in Japan and hair make up enrolled and make a hair makeup and take a picture.
There is a studio and a make room with a central pond in between, there are costumes and accessories in Sri Lanka. Make hair and make costumes and have accessories on them to have photos taken. You can make the best memories. Japanese people are running so we have no worries about words.
The photo of the blog is what I took with the iPhone but in fact the professional photographer will take it so quality is also perfect! ! Come when you come to Sri Lanka! ! It’s a recommended spot! !
I was supposed to return to Japan hurriedly. We are planning to resume the reservation from the middle of August. Please contact us if you wish. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your consideration.
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