Hey! It is HIRO. About today (Masjito Jame).
【Masjid jamek】
It is the oldest Islamic temple in the city, built at the confluence of Klang River and Gombak River. It was built by British architect A.B. Hubbock in 1909. Under the influence of Mughal architecture in India, its beauty such as white onion dome roof, walls of unglazed bricks, white marble floor and arch-like pillars, is said to compete for 1.2 among several Malaysian temples I see.How to walk the earth Quoted from Malaysia Brunei
The weather is also good on this day. Just walking makes me quite sweaty. This is the place immediately after getting off from Masjit Jame station. Unfortunately I did not go inside and went to the entrance. It is beautiful as it is said that the brick wall is very nice and fits 1.2 in Malaysia. The picture was taken by a group of five people who said they are coming from Spain and the USA.
僕は建築家とかではないが綺麗な建物だったり、変わった空間などが好きだ。作り手の気持ちを考えたり、目に見えないところとかを想像する。どんな思いでこれを作ったのか。どんな意味を込めて作ったのか。誰の為なのかとか。それはものづくりだけでなく人間の言葉や行動も同じ。人って目で見える所はすぐ気付くけど目で見えない所にはあまり気付く事が少ない。もしかしたら一番大切なのはその目に見えてない部分で、そこに気付いたり、それを伝える事なのかもね。仕事の面でも人間関係でも。なんだか何を言ってるのかわからなくなってきました 。笑 よくわからなかったらスルーして下さい。笑 とにかく素敵な建物です。という感じで軽くまとめたいと思います。ではまた〜。
I am not an architect, but I like beautiful buildings and unusual spaces. Think of the maker’s feelings, imagine invisible places, and so on. What kind of thought did you make this? What meaning did you make it? Who is it for? It is the same not only for making things but also human words and actions. I notice things that people can see but I do not notice much that I can not see with eyes. Perhaps the most important thing is the invisible part, it may be noticed there, telling it. Whether it is work or human relations. I do not understand what you are talking about. Lol If you do not understand well please let us through. Haha Anyway it is a nice building. I would like to summarize it lightly. see you~.
Reservations are accepted from September onwards.In the case ofI think there is a possibility that it will be difficult to make a reservation. I’d appreciate it if you can put it in by August 20 so that I can adjust the time as much as possible.We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your consideration.
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