どもーす!!HIROです!!日本に戻ってきてお盆も終わったので自炊していかないと。マレーシア、スリランカと行ってだいぶお金を使ってしまったので節約です。なのでブログのネタがなくなってきます。笑 更新頻度が下がってます。笑
Hey! ! It is HIRO! ! Self cooked almost everyday since I came back to Japan. I have spent a lot of money with Malaysia and Sri Lanka so it is a saving. So blog posts are gone. Lol The update frequency is decreasing. Lol
Recently, I’m making fried rice with fried rice. Fry eggs, onion, leek, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, meat and season it and add cool and rice! ! After all it is important to be able to make fried rice no fried rice without cold rice. I am addicted to eating “fried garlic and kimuchi” and “wiener” on the fried rice.
It is tasty although it is self-praising. It seems that it will fit for the time being. Save early and let it fly again! ! see you~.
We recommend September for reservations. We will make an early reservation as soon as your desired date is decided. We would be pleased if you could make a reservation for September by about 20 August. If there are people who wish for August, please feel free to contact us as possible as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your consideration.
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